Country Issues

Issues tab on the country page which displays the country issues(laws).

Country Issues

This page displays the issues from the viewed country. Country issues are proposed by the country senators and country president. Each of them can propose 1 issue per month in total. The county president is the one who approves or disapprove the proposed issues to pass them or not for general vote by the country senators. Right now there are 2 types of issues: "Declare War" and "Declare Peace". First one is for declaring war on a country and second one to declare peace. If a war issues is passed regarding another country then the president can start an international occupy battlefield against that country by going to that country page and clicking 'Start an Occupy War' button. If a peace issues is passed regarding another country then battlefields can no longer be started against that country.

Country Issues Rules:

  • Senators can propose one issue per month, same as president.
  • Country issues are like laws, each of them have an effect for the country.
  • A proposed issue must be first approved by the country president to go in voting by the country senators.
  • If an issue is disapproved by country president then it will be closed and won't be visible to country citizens, senators can still see a list with disapproved issues under the Proposed Country Issues.
  • When viewing an approved issue you can see at the top if it's passed, unpassed based on the number of votes made by senators on that issue. You will also see the country banner at the top of issue.
  • It's the right of the country president to approve or disapprove an issue
  • When at least 50% of senators vote Yes or No(whichever comes first) an issue then that issue is Passed/Unpassed meaning it takes or not effect for the country
  • If a peace issue is opened and passed after a war passed issue regarding the same country then the war one is cancelled
  • If a war issue is opened and passed after a peace passed issue regarding the same country then the peace one is cancelled